The REAL Gold Mine:
List & Data Management

If you’ve compared pricing, you know Action Direct Marketing saves you $1,000’s per year. But that’s just the beginning. The “gold’ comes from mining the data. Even the smallest campaign generates a data trail that tells a story by revealing patterns and trends that quickly reveal what works – and what does not! It’s a story worth listening to, a digital treasure map that leads to steadily improving ROI. It all starts with a great list.

List Hygiene

Outdated, inaccurate mailing lists mean some (or a LOT) of your mail never arrives. While list companies will replace undeliverable names, the real loss is wasted postage/printing: (90 - 95% of your cost per piece.)

If an address is suspect, we won’t mail it.

Every list is cleaned and certified prior to use:

  • FullUSPS/CASS Certification
  • NCOA Address Correction & Verification
  • Complete duplicate removal (to household level).

List Management

Action Direct Marketing's system of local area list management ensures your frequency of contact is controlled precisely.

The result: No overexposure!

Food for thought: You don't "re-introduce" yourself every time you see friends and family, so why include existing clients in a mail campaign intended for new customers? These client names are found in any purchased list.

We remove them – free of charge.

List Hygiene/Management is ALWAYS FREE (with Action Direct Marketing provided lists).

Response Tracking
And Analysis

In today’s era of “Big Data,” there are quantifiable data points tied to each individual and household mailed. We focus on the "small data" unique to each campaign and market area

The data tied to each response quickly and accurately shows:

  • Response variance between zip codes
  • Effectiveness of different offers
  • Impact of design changes
  • Optimum timing of mail delivery
  • Value of various list criteria such as age, gender, income, home value.
  • Response trends and lead quality metrics for phone, website, and social media inquiries.

FREE to all clients.